“1 Billion young people will start work in the next decade - only 40% in jobs that now exist”
The Economist, 23 Jan 2016.
F4S was co-created by teachers, parents and the leaders of the business community to solve the problem of youth employability. We combine data-science with the power of local communities in order to capture the imagination of young people and give them the confidence and skills to believe they can create the innovations that will define our future.
The OECD published their Dream Jobs? Teenagers’ Career Aspirations and the Future of Work‘ report in 2020, which highlighted the issue around the aspirations young people have about their future careers - 47% of boys and 53 % of girls expect to work in one of just 10 popular jobs by the age of 30. Traditional 20th century occupations such as doctors, teachers, managers, engineers, and police officers continue to dominate choices, rather than those occupations that reflect societal changes such as social media and the acceleration of technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data in the workplace.
We can help open their eyes by connecting educators with role models from these rising industries, and by supporting work experience in emerging fields. If you are a parent who would like events like these to take place at your children’s school or your former school, please share the info sheet with them, or forward this page.